It turns out the back pain I'd had through most of my pregnancy wasn't sciatica, because I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Sci last night. Turns out that's ten times worse than my worst back pain ever. I thought I was dying. It's doing better now, but I'm going to try to take it wasy today in the hopes it doesn't come back as bad as it was. I also reached maximum pregnancy discomfort, which is something I didn't have with Lucy until MUCH closer to my due date. Yesterday was just bad all around. I've never felt all the muscles in my body give up at once.
In addition to my feeling yucky, Lucy has hit the terrible twos with a vigor usually reserved for keg stands and top 40 pop stars. Awesome! She's started each morning this week with a passionate tanrtum and general disdain for authority. She's still napping well and sleeping fine, but I'm so over the button-pushing. With any luck a change of scenery and some Grandma-love will fix her age-appropriate nonsense. She's fine if I keep her extremely busy and just a bit out of her comfort zone, but that requires the energy of a professional gymnast, or at least a 25-year-old UNpregnant mommy. I think getting down to Baltimore and seeing some new sights will help her a lot. I can't imagine it's much fun just sitting here watching the belly grow.
Well, Maple can't live on lunchmeat, animal crackers and cheese cubes forever, so we have to run to Walmart to buy dog food. Andrew made a large obstacle in front of the giant wall she's been scaling, so hopefully she'll stay in the yard today. I still can't believe she got over in the first place, let alone twice.
Oh, I also need a toothbrush.
ouch... yeah I hate to tell ya, but Josiah was just as adorable as ever at 2- but once he hit 2 1/2!? All downhill from there. :( Luckily, after a few months of consistent days where I felt like I was punishing him over and over and over again, and after getting used to his new baby sister, he is starting to even out. *sigh* now onto the next challenge- potty training. lol. The excitement just never ends I guess! SCIATICA sucks. So happy you'll be here this weekend-- if the pain sneaks up on you again, you know you can bring Lucy to our house and leave her for some time to rest. Love you :)
It doesn't really surprise me about Maple scaling the fence. Dakota used to climb over my parents fence back in his prime. He was such a mess of a dog. Just be thankful Maple will never be as crazy as he once was. :)
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