15 March 2012

Every. Single. Solitary. Time...

...I sit down to blog, the baby starts crying. She has been teething for two weeks and is fighting an upper respiratory/double ear infection. I am tired. Last night she cried about every 15 minutes until 3am, when she slept for about 3 hours. My mood is a little deflated 100% of the time. If it weren't for my friends lifting me up during the days and helping me get through this, I'm not sure what I'd be doing right now. When Claire is awake, she's crying. If I put her down, she falls apart in hysterics. With the exception of a couple of meetings I've gone to, I've been holding her nonstop for two weeks.

So now you know why I'm not blogging so much. There are so many things I'd like to blog, but my mind stopped working two weeks ago. :-( I hope to give it another shot very soon.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Rub liquid benedryl on her gums. Takes down inflammation, relieves the pain a little, and helps her relax enough for both of you to sleep.