16 October 2012

Y'all, I am not the type of person who like to wander the house at night. I'm not a night owl, and I prefer to be asleep before everyone else.

And here I sit, in a dreadfully quiet house while the dog stares at me. I think he can tell that I'm incredibly out of sorts. I am SO tired, but everything hurts. My belly weighs about 12 pounds and is so big I can't pick things up without getting myself into an awkward position. And I still have at least 6 weeks to go. I will positively reserve the phrase, "maybe it's twins!" for people upon whom I wish to bestow the greatest gestational suffering.

Everyone is in bed, and I'm still roaming around because I can't get comfortable between the heartburn and the muscle aches. I am starting my "couch rotation," which is usually reserved for closer to 38 weeks, but since I'm measuring almost ten weeks ahead, I'll be doing a substantial bit more there this time around.

I'm not usually a whiner, but this is a little ridiculous. Two babies, two babies, two babies, two babies. A major bonus, right???

1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

So sorry you are in pain Laura!! I wish I could take it away :( But yes... keep remembering it all be worth it! (even though that's hard, haha) but two babies!!! two of the cutest baby boys on EARTH! for sure!