22 November 2011

The In-Laws are coming! The In-Laws are coming!

Yee haw yippity, y'all! T-16 hours until my mother-in-law is safely in my home. It's been 6 MONTHS since I saw her. A crime. We're going to be majorly outnumbered by adult males for this holiday. It's going to take more wine and carbs than usual. We're totally peacing out of here after dinner tomorrow to pretend we have errands to run.
I am still sick. The good news, however, is that my super-keen Grandpa Dick made Swedish pancakes for dinner and I have cough syrup with codeine waiting to lull me to sleep. Sweeeeeeet.
We spent today doing "the in-laws are coming" type things. Grocery shopping, planning lunch for tomorrow, cleaning the bathroom we usually use for storage, stocking up on prescription drugs...all those things that make the guests feel welcome!
I'll tell you what's going to happen at 8:15 am tomorrow. Andrew will log into his email and find my blog subscription email waiting for him. He'll think to himself, "huh? When did she have time to blog? I was using the computer the whole time she was in the bathtub." and then he'll realize I was blogging from my phone, in the tub. Living dangerously. And then he'll email me and tell me that I will not get a phone upgrade when my phone falls in the tub and dies.
So I have to go. The in-laws are coming!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Warn me the next time your in-laws are coming and I'll hide in their luggage! They'll be delighted (as will you) to open it and find ME and my BABY instead of their belongings! :D