24 July 2012

Heard Around The House

Mommy: Hey Molly, will you please throw away this diaper?

Molly: Ahhhhh....Why I have to do everyfing around here?!?

Yeah. Thank the good Lord we have a three-year-old to do everyfing around here.

Lucy: I know now that the words are "Jesus is a-knockin," and it really does make sense to me...but I don't think I'll ever change the way I sing it. "Jesus is a napkin" just goes really good. 

Sing it, girl. He knows your heart, as they say...

Mommy: Molly, did you unravel all that twine? 

Molly: No. I did not. I did not unrabble a fing. But if I did I would be so sorry. I would be bery sorry and I would nebber do that again. I would promise. I would so promise. Kay, Mom?

Kay, Mo. All I was looking for was a little transparency. Molly for President! 

Molly: Hoocy, I am so sorry I ripped your book. 

Lucy: Oh, that's okay, Mo! I'm pretty sure this is the one that was really fun to rip apart together. Remember when we did that? 

Molly: Oh yeah. I love ripping. But I'm also so sorry.

Library trip...canceled. 

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