27 July 2012

I never thought I'd say this, but...

The Cooke house is in major upheaval. I am starting to feel the movement of two little boys who threaten to shake up everything we know, and I am so, so, so excited.

On the other hand, I'm trying to be realistic about what life with two tiny babies, one 18-month-old, one 3-year-old and one 5-year-old could possibly be like. I know people have dealt with more, but with Molly talking to her food and the walls and Claire trying her hardest to take the place apart brick by brick, I have to wonder how we're going to survive two nursing babies and a c-section recovery at the same time.

God would never give us a gift like this without the grace to see it through, so I'm not nervous in any way, but I do know that we're in for a whole lot of chaos. Chaos is good. Andrew and I love the chaos. We love the noise and craziness and general upheaval.

That said, I am so fully aware that I am going to have to let a few things go around here.

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