04 May 2008

I should be packing...

...but if I don't blog now, it'll never happen.

Andrew and I are having a Lucy-free weekend! Boy do we miss her! Lucy hitched a ride downstate with the Twiggs on Friday night and met Grandma Jen in Baltimore. She's staying 2 nights there and Grandma J will drop her tonight with Grandma Sue and Aunt Lisa for a night with the other side, and then she'll meet up with the Twiggs again tomorrow afternoon/evening to get a ride home! So far she's had a WONDERFUL trip and hasn't missed us at all! I hear she and Uncle Brendan have been inseperable!
Andrew and I are taking the weekend to get a LOT done! We went out Friday night and drank a liiiiiittle too much, and then we spent Saturday working on Bonnie. I made 9 casseroles for the upcoming move/ birthday party/finals period. I know I'm not going to have ANY time to cook in the next 14 days, so I froze enough to get us through! I made Turkey Tetrazzini, King Ranch Chicken, Pepperjack Pollo Penne and Broccoli Stuffing Casserole. I feel VERY good about getting that done! Our freezer is just packed and nearly sagging, but I'll be very happy to have those to pop into the oven for a couple of weeks! We also have a lot of odds and ends to eat up before the move, so it should be interesting.
Last night we went out for a movie and today Andrew is back out with his trucks and I'm packing the house. So far...one box. Woo! I want this place looking nearly bare by the time Lucy gets home tomorrow!
Tomorrow Andrew will be at work and I'll be working around the house. I need to call all of our utility people and services and get everything moved to the new house. Since I'm still not exactly sure when we'll be signing, whether it'll be this week or next, I'm just going to have everything switched on the 16th like I originally planned.
These tasks are all things that really require me to be on the phone and working quickly, so I'm really glad I'll have a business day without Lucy to worry about! I think I'll be able to get a lot done!
Well, I'm off to pack some more. Long day ahead of me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello from Beautiful Washington State~

It is alot of work to move, etc and then set up your home, but....how exciting!!!!

Keep pics posted....we miss you guys alot!

I mailed Lucy her birthday present. She might receive it a day or two late. The difference in shipping cost was $20! Crazy.

Meghan is gearing up for her 11th birthday...man, is she excited about it. Just a day before Lucy's too. I love this time of year for her birthday.

Give Lucy a kiss from her grandma and grandpa (and aunties too!)!!

Tammy & Dad