24 September 2010

Shoot The Baby

So Lucy runs in with her baby and yells, "Shoot the baby!" I answered back, "Lucy! We do NOT talk about shooting babies! If you're going to play like that, I'll take her away." Lucy falls apart and runs to Daddy, complaining that I won't let her say, "Shoot the baby." He agrees with Mommy and tells Lucy we don't talk about shooting people. I can hear her whimper to him, "But I love that name!" He asks her, "What name??"
"Shoot!" (huh!!??) We're now both in silent hysterics, trying to figure out just what to say. I mean, if you can name your kid Rock, Brooklyn, Sage, Danger and just about any other noun, verb or adjective, Shoot might as well just go on the list as well.
How on earth do you explain to a three year old that you can't name a baby "Shoot?"
So now she's running around the house, nuzzling her baby and crooning, "Oh Shootie Shootie, you're such a good little baby! My sweet little Shooting Baby!"
I'm at a complete loss.


Lisa Marie said...

LOL that is so funny!! I don't know how they come up with that stuff, but Josiah once named a toy tractor "Ca-Ga" ... absolute gibberish. He loved that thing so much and consistently called it that for probably... atleast a year and half. they are so funny and cute :)

Jess T said...

your complete loss has me in hysterics! I love it!!!!!!! Hugs to "Shoot"!