14 December 2011

LOVE feeling better

Geez. The whole family has been deathly ill for like an entire month. It has really tested our patience and endurance the last month of 2011! That said, I feel better this morning! WOW! First morning that I've felt better in like 45 days. And, Laura is making pumpkin bread for our neighbors. She's the best. Off to the break room for some coffee. Pesky 0800 meeting interrupted my routine 0800 coffee consumption routine.

1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

praise the Lord!! IT must've been Josiah's prayers for Uncle Andrew last night! ;)Andrew-- They thanked God at bedtime prayers for being able to skype with you and asked Him to make you better! So I'm so glad you are feeling better... your wife is amazing. I need to make something for my husband's office. definitely. SO GLAD you are all getting WELL again!!