15 April 2012

When I see the number of people who visit my blog on a daily basis, I'm terribly ashamed of being so blog-lazy. I should make a new term for that. Bloglect? "That Laura is so bloglectful." My spell check tells me it's wrong, but it feels so right.

What a fantastic weekend we had. I don't remember Friday night, so if we happened to hang out with you, I really hope it was a great time. I'm thinking really hard, but nothing comes to mind...I remember that I made amazing baked potatoes for dinner. Tequila lime chicken, sour cream, salsa and big, fat baked potatoes. The stuff of legends.

On Saturday morning we were out the door at 7:15 to set up for the marriage retreat. It was sort of thrown together, but it turned out to be a lovely day. After that we raced back here for very late naps and then headed out again around 5:30 to have an "I'm sorry we had to cancel Easter because a child was sick so let's try it again" dinner. It was probably the best food I've eaten in 28 years and 10 months. (Let's not get hasty. 29 will be here soon enough.) My darling friend Lindsay made braised short ribs, mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus and lemon cake. We ate and ate and drank and drank and the kids were just perfect. Claire swam around in John's mashed potatoes, crawled around the deck until she wore herself out and then promptly climbed up in John's lap and passed out like she parties every Saturday night. Dream baby, that one. We ended up staying until 11 or so and it was just a great time with our dear friends.

Today we had a lazy morning here at home and then went to Mass at 11. We ducked out for KFC right after and then dashed right back again to be a Mentor Couple re-training for our parish Sponsor Couple Program for marriage prep. The new book looks awesome, and I can't wait to get our next couple!

We got home today around 3 and spent the rest of the day doing lazy stuff. I'm planning on spending the next 3 days on Spring Cleaning, so I'm sure I'll find a little time to blog. I really want to get our Easter pictures up before Lucy's high school graduation, and since she learned to spell "jump" today, I really need to get on it.

Tonight Andrew went in to check on the girls and Lucy was still awake. She asked, "What are you doing in here?" He replied, "I always check on you before I go to bed." Lucy sat for a minute and said, "Okay....how does God make people?" Ermm.....some nights I'm glad he's the last kid-checker of the evening.

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