16 August 2012

Re: from the kitchen

Dear Laura, et al (blog readers),
Despite the miserable directions which would lead one to believe we store milk in cabinets, etc..........

(For the love of Pete, the "vitamins" referenced don't even have the word "vitamin" on the bottle!)

I'm proud to announce that with faith, hope, love, courage, determination and above all, male intuition, I was able to accomplish this almost insurmountable task.

Now, I'm off to conquer the beautiful (albeit very sarcastic) blogger occupying 3/4 of my bed!

Love always, dad-o-TWO-BOYS-TO-BE and conqueror of all incomprehensible domestic requests ;-)
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Laura Cooke <wmdcookes@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 19:57:55 -0500
To: Andrew Cooke<ascooke82@gmail.com>; blog family<cooke06.donuts@blogger.com>
Subject: from the kitchen

please retrieve: (from cabinet above pens)

small glass of milk
one folic acid
one vitamin
two tylenol

thank you.

Laura Cooke
Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. ~ Mother Teresa

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