18 September 2008

Super giant big huge exciting news!

Yesterday was an awesome day for Lu and I, but I was really feeling the need to get a little more organized. My foray into the world of kitchen organizing left me with empty cupboards and an empty feeling.

SO, when Andrew got home last night I told him he could have a deck next summer if he was my slave for the night and rearranged furniture all night. It was intensely gratifying and I feel like a new woman. We moved about 4 key pieces of furniture and the house looks really finished now. It looks much more sane and put together. I am SO excited! Today I need to work on floors and put away the odds and ends that we found in the moving.

Today Lucy and I are going to head downtown for the Farmer's Market, and then we're going to take lunch to Andrew's office to enjoy some time with him in the middle of his hectic Thursday.
But for now, I have to pull my puppy off the juniper bush. Again.

1 comment:

Jennifer Merkel said...

I would love to feel excited about my house...
I can't wait to see yours!