10 October 2010

Super Bowl or Bust.

It's football season, you know. That means a lot of whistles and false starts and offsides calls, doesn't it?

I get it. Some things are just too exciting not to jump in before the play actually starts. Everyone wants to be the first to get moving.

Such was the case with my miscarriage. Little did my very excited body know that the play hadn't actually started - just took off full speed ahead, hoping for a touchdown. A few days later, nature blew the whistle. What should have been a preseason win turned out to be a very short play.

After two short weeks on the bench, we started the season with a more committed player.

And nine weeks later, our star player is definitely an MVP. Strong heart, good kicker, passionately playing the game. Lots of locker room prayers and water breaks, but the coaches are pleased with the start of the season. The rest of the team looks forward to seeing our new player renew his or her contract in the spring! 


Suzzy said...

you are unbearably cute. can't wait to meet the latest cookelet!

Katie Evans said...

Great analogies Laura, I'm so excited for you guys again! All my friends are getting re-pregnant, and I'm just so thrilled! Can't wait to meet your newest MVP!

Anonymous said...

YAHOO! Sounds like it will be winning season! Love how you write girl. :)
