04 July 2011

It Ain't the 4th Without Lee Greenwood.

Do you know why Claire is smiling? Because she lives in a country where girls can do anything.

They're free to play outside without fear.

They're free to go barefoot, lay around and love their daddies.

They're free to wear sundresses.

They're free to express themselves.

For as long as it takes.

And pout a little afterward.

They're free to have orange hair. Or pink. Or both.

They're free to say whatever they want, in any medium they choose.

They have the freedom to grow into whomever they choose to be.

They have the freedom to associate with anyone they like. Even baby-kissers.

They're free to lie on the grass and watch the fireworks.

(Even with pink hair.)

They don't have to smell a thing. (And isn't that really what our forefathers were after?)

They're free to make friends without regard to class, gender or race.

They're free to have any number of children they choose.

They're free to reach whatever it is they're reaching for. (Unless it's fireworks.)

They're free to show pride in their country without fear of war.

The 4th of July always leaves me a little choked up. Regardless of what's happening out there, it doesn't take much to remind us that we still do truly live in the greatest nation in the world. It may just be the Texas talking, but there is nothing better than knowing that our freedoms are protected. Knowing that my girls can walk down the street any time of the day, that they can sleep peacefully at night, that they'll be able to kiss their husbands in public, that they have clean drinking water, that they have enough to eat, these things are precious to the human spirit. And in the United States of America, they're free for the taking.

Let us never forget the sacrifices our countrymen have made to ensure the protection of our rights and freedoms. In this truly great nation, we have so much to be thankful for. God Bless America!



Amber said...

Laura - You rock! Well said my friend :)! Love your post, your cute kids, our country and our God :) We are a blessed nation.

emily said...

An absolutely beautiful post!