28 January 2012

so here's a canine update...

Lucy & I took new puppy to the vet today to see if he had a chip. He doesn't! (yay!) So, we're kind of at the mercy of the internet to see if anyone claims him. Laura is researching now how much trouble we could actually be in if we do not abide by all state/local/federal regulations with regards to finding a dog and simply adopting it!

In parallel, we're trying out new names for the dog to see what sticks. First name was Bear. That lasted 2 minutes until the lady told me he jumped in her pool. So, he needed a more aquatic name. Then it was Brook. Then Brooks with an "S" because, well, one brook wasn't enough and Brooks sounds quite noble! Then Laura didn't like Brooks soooo....... We thought about the only dog in our life to-date, Cooper (who you may recall from Christmas pictures). Then we thought about one of our favorite shows, Mad Men. The name of the firm is Cooper Sterling Drake. So, we thought Sterling would be good as a partner to Cooper but it's too long and eh.  So, in the show, Sterling's first name is Roger. So, we're on the name Roger for the dog now. It's cute. Kind of fits his personality so far but it's also a little too... um, human? Ugh. Wish us luck!

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