15 June 2012


I do not sit with the laptop on my lap until 8pm. If I use the computer during the day, I stand at the kitchen counter. When I finally get a second to sit down at night, it feels AMAAAAAAAZINNNGGG...My feet do this thing where they sigh and just sort of die of happiness.

Today was long. Even with the grocery shopping and severe bleeding episode, it was long. It seems like the days pass SO SLOW during the summer. I enjoy the summer, but I don't think I'll enjoy this one. I really, really, really want to go on vacation and meet these babies. The rest of it can just go away. I can't believe I still have two more trimesters. And really, a third of the first trimester doesn't even count because you're not really pregnant yet anyway. Blah.

My Mama is at a conference this weekend so it goes to voicemail when I call her. Talk about discombobulating. Where on earth am I supposed to direct my random observations all day long? Is my phone going to ring as much as hers does someday? If the twins are girls I would say that my biggest expense over the next 40 years will be my phone bill. Even with three I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to keep regular office hours to keep everyone straight. Office hours would be a fantastic way to manage them all. They can each have a 15-minute window once a day to discuss new business and ask for money, and then Andrew and I can have a weekly meeting to keep everyone straight and decide who is in our favor.

Claire's finger is looking...okay? I devised a fantastic bandaging system and am really patting myself on the back for it. I'm using an adult-sized butterfly over the top and around the sides and then double-fastening it with one of those plastic Band-Aids; you know the ones that get all gooey and never quite peel off? They're perfect for babies. The problem with Claire is that she has to be re-bandaged about every 2 hours because she has to be bathed about every two hours. She's so gross.

Speaking of Claire, I have decided that I am never going to wean her from the bottle. I'm sure that I should have put her straight on a sippy to begin with, but watching her little lips around her bottle is just too cute and I'm a sucker. She looks like the baby from the Roger Rabbit cartoon. I wish she was still nursing, but every time she bit me I remember feeling a little different about the whole nursing situation. And as luck would have it, my sadness about weaning was solved by the fact that I'll soon be nursing two at once. Huzzah.

We decided today that we're going to find out the sex of the babies at a 4D ultrasound while Andrew's brother's family is in town. We are super stoked. What's even AWESOMER is that the entire appointment will be streamed online (not the wand and the goo and everything - just the video and audio and pics) so we can invite as many people as we'd like to find out the sex of the babies right as we're finding out! I'm so excited! It'll be like cramming all of our besties into the room WITH us! If you'd like an invite to see the sonogram on July 30th at 7pm CST, let me know! The more the merrier! My excitement is on overdrive right now.

Well y'all, I didn't get my nap today, which means I'm about to pass out. The worst part is that I forgot to take my vitamins and have to get up from my cozy bed to take them. Blerg. Perhaps I'll call my man and ask him to be so kind. He's such a darling when it comes to caring for me.

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