13 June 2012

You can't fire me...I quit!

If it sounds dramatic, then it must be so!

I have decided to take a break from Facebook. I am wasting my entire life watching it all go by on a blue and white screen. I've been neglecting the blog for "likes" and have been lazy in documenting our family life. FAIL.

So, Andrew has figured out a way to network the ding-dang thing so that my blog posts will show up in my FB feed without my logging on. So we can continue to share without all the sickness that comes with FB and my melting brain. I'll check in once a week to see how everyone's doing, but I'm going to leave it at that. Today I didn't see Facebook once, and yet here I am. (That also means that if you talked to me on FB tonight,  it was actually Andrew while he was setting up my network.)

Most of you text with me or chat on Gmail anyway, so it won't be a difficult loss, and you'll have all these juicy blog posts to tide you over! Trust me, you'll never even know I'm gone, and I'll be back before you wake up.

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