28 August 2008

A Few Notes

Well, I need to be quick since I have about 3 minutes to get to bed, but I'll just post a few updates.
  • We made it to WA in one piece. Lucy was a complete angel on the plane and I couldn't have picked a better traveling companion. She played for an hour, slept for three hours and ate for 45 minutes, and we landed! Easy peasy.
  • We're having fun out here, but we miss AndrewDaddy very much! It's almost painful. ::sad, sad, sad face::
  • Lucy is adjusting to the time change pretty well and I hope to have her on a good schedule by the weekend.
  • I am feeling well and baby is coming up on 15 weeks! He/She is moving around here and there and enjoying Washington very much.
  • Andrew is surviving at home and finished our most recent renovation this week! He trimmed the kitchen and it looks AMAZING! I can't wait to post pics!!
  • Andrew also had a major accomplishment at work this week and deserves lots of major love for all of his hard work. I'm so proud of him!
And now it's definitely bedtime. Night all!

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