23 August 2008

Good News/Bad News

Good News: Cindy was right - Febby was just hiding! We heard a very healthy little heartbeat of 160 bpm last night and baby is doing well.
Bad News: Mama, however, is less than stellar right now. While hearing Febby's heartbeat was exciting, we only heard it because the stomach flu landed me in the hospital with dehydration and very low blood pressure. Ick. They gave me 4 liters of fluid and some Zofran and sent me home after a night of medical excitement. It wasn't pretty, but I'm feeling a little better today and hope to be 100% for our flight on Tuesday. Ugh. I never get sick!


dugmel said...

Hey, I hope you are rested and feeling better. Have a safe flight and we'll see you soon!
Aunt Linnie

SpunkyToes said...

So sorry you are feeling that bad but YAY for a great heartbeat! Very good to hear. Take care!

Amy & Scott said...

Thank God Laura! I just saw a post on OOF that you had not heard a heartbeat and my heart sank. I logged on here and saw this wonderful news!