05 August 2008

Coming Clean...

I was going to wait a few more weeks, but I'm tired of not posting about everything!


Baby Cooke #2 is expected to arrive in the middle of February and we're very, very excited. I'm 11 weeks pregnant now and everything looks great. I have been feeling great and am very happy to be heading into my second trimester with so little yuckiness behind me. We had an ultrasound at 8 weeks or so and we have a very active little person on our hands. We'll be going in again just before our trip to double check everything before we hop on the plane.
Anyway, Miss Lucy is up from her nap and she's wanting lunch! Just wanted to share our happy news!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Andrew and Laura, and little Lucy will be a big sister....how neat.

Maybe he/she will be born near Grandpa Jim, or Nana or Papa. February is is a jam packed b-day month, but SO MUCH FUN!!!!

How exciting. Now we will be able to see baby #2 growing, etc.!!!

Our family will be growing and I can't wait!

Grandma Tammy :)

Emily said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! You know how I feel about you having children :o)

Tricia said...

OH!! Congratulations!! I am just THRILLED for you!!!!

Abigail said...


Kandi said...

Congrats! So exciting! :)

Jenny said...

I am soooo excited for you!!