18 February 2011

Lazy Friday...

About once a week, Andrew gives me orders to stay at home and relax. He knows I'm going to use my day in clean and organize, but it's so nice to stay in my jammies all day and just get some work done. We've had such a busy week this week, and I know the girls will be very happy to just stay in and do absolutely nothing. Molly is currently playing with a toy horse and Lucy is watching a Care Bears movie - all she's wanted to do all week is "sit on the couch and watch TV" so I know she's very happy just letting her little mind melt into Care-a-Lot. I think Lucy is having a little pre-baby anxiety and is starting to get a little stressed out, so I'm letting her lead the way on a few things around here. I think she's a little concerned about what will happen to Molly once the baby gets here. She and Molly are incredibly close and I get the feeling that she's thinking that Molly will be out of the picture once baby gets here. It's so hard to explain these things to little people. So we're spending a lot of time just cuddling, talking and playing with Mo.

Andrew and I are talking over the possibility of a little road trip before baby gets here. I can't decide if it's a good idea or not...we'd like to take the girls to New Orleans to see some of the parades and the like, but I'm a little concerned about the drive, as it's about 8 or 9 hours on the road. No worse than our Outer Banks trips, I suppose, but Molly is not the traveler that Lucy was! It'll depend on Andrew's time off and that whole money thing, but I'd love to get one last adventure in before we have a tiny baby to think of again. I suppose we could do it after baby, but that would probably push it back to September or October, knowing the weather in these parts...just tossing it around...

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