25 February 2011

praise and enthusiasm

So Lucy and I were talking about good behavior yesterday. Somehow the conversation turned to sitting still and listening attentively. Lucy then brought up the old "criss cross applesauce" thing, which I'm told is something they use at the church nursery as well as the gym. "Miss Leigh Ann always says to sit criss cross applesauce!" Lucy chirped.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes. And sometimes we chant and cheer!" (keep in mind that most of what happens in a three year old's mind is usually a product of their imagination...)
I replied, "Wow! What do you cheer about?"
Lucy replied, "Oh, well, Jesus stuff and things like that, I think."
Prepare yourself. The following chant should follow the old "2!-4!-6!-8!" cadence.
So I ask curiously, "Will you show me one of your cheers?"
Lucy positively lights to her feet and prepares to chant.

"Criss! Cross! Applesauce!
Jesus died, on a cross!"

Side-eye from mommy. "Really?"

Lucy is glowing. "Yes! And it rhymes!"

"yes. It sure...does."

I really have no idea if she cheers and chants at the church nursery, but her storytelling sure is enthusiastic...

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