05 February 2011

Typing in a comfy chair, y'all...

The snow is gone. Sweet, sweet freedom. We dashed out the door this morning, faster than the poor girls would have liked. But that's just too bad. Mommy needed to see the outside world.

We ran to Best Buy to pick up two online orders. A new video camera and an external drive, and while we were there we decided a month with a broken space bar was long enough, so we sprang for a wireless keyboard and mouse, too. (I know, I know...cabin fever will make you do crazy things, folks...)

We ended up getting a Flip Ultra HD video camera, which we already LOVE. And by love I mean passion and fireworks. I think I love the external drive, but it's not really doing a whole lot. Just sitting there, backing up my computer every 2 minutes, which does seem like overkill considering I haven't backed up my computer in...well, never. It is, however, blue. So that's a big talking point.

I think the keyboard and mouse might be my favorite purchase, however. I'm just tickled to death, sitting here in my cozy chair, reclined and typing!

So after Best Buy we ran over to Hobby Lobby, where God and the angels live. I got enough fabric to finish a couple of carriers, and resisted some awesome Elvis fabric. Andrew would probably kill me if I put Elvis' face on my baby's feet. Killjoy. I'm guessing the Elvis Mei Tai is probably enough for him. As if there's ever enough.

We met up with Lili and Mr. Cutestuff for lunch and then came home for naps. Mo is getting her two-year molars, so her nap was short and not-too-sweet. After naps we all went out for a walk to see the melting snow and float tiny leaves down the street in the runoff. The girls thought that was just incredible. We had a very nice walk and came home for some "noonohs" (mac&cheese) and sewing. I got my ring sling done and while it LOOKS amazing, it turned out to be more fabric that I bargained for and is a lot for the size of the rings, making it a little tough to adjust. I don't care, though. It's so cute I'll suffer and look amazing doing so.

Well, I am going to head to bed. I would type more, but I'm absolutely pooped. I'll post one more video before I head to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachel wishes SO MUCH that she could be there Sumo wrestling with you!