22 February 2011

Wild West?

Andrew went out for a jog the other night and without about 75 minutes, I heard the door open. In walks Andrew with a giant bush. I stare blankly.

"it's a tumbleweed!"


"it was tumbling down the street so I brought it home!"

"mmm. Okay?"

"the best part was on the way back this guy was in his yard and he was like, 'hey dude, nice tumbleweed" and I was like, "thanks!"

"you don't say..."

"yeah! So great!"


Emily said...

Your husband, not unlike mine, is truly one of a kind :) LOL

Anonymous said...

haha! I can totally see Andrew doing that. Love it!

Lisa Marie said...

HAHA! I can see him doing that too.. that is so funny and cute. It feels like you should definitely see (And KEEP of course ;) a tumbleweed if you live in Texas. I mean everyone does, right?? ;)