24 June 2011

Vacation Bible School Quitter. That's Me.

We played hooky today, for a variety of reasons.

  • I was incredibly tired.
  • I've been having trouble getting my feet back under me since having Claire, and I needed an unscheduled morning to get some things done. After my mini-meltdown last night, Andrew was thrilled to see me take a morning off to get my head straight.
  • I had a dream about how best to get out of VBS today. And then I woke up and realized that my subconscious was trying to tell me something.
  • I started a new antibiotic a couple of days ago and sudddenly became very, very ill. Once I did the math and realized it was the meds, I figured out that I'd probably be feeling a little better by about noon today. Seriously, google "clindamycin side effects." That'll send you looking for a Savior.
  • Andrew was sick last night. Completely unrelated to my own problems, but I wanted to be here when he finally emerged from the guest room (have I mentioned we no longer share a bed?) so that I could appraise his general appearance and pep-level. (He looked pretty perky for the rough night he had, and he's back to a pretty good level of pep.)
  • Lucy has been doing VBS for three days and was no longer acting quite like herself, as all those kids were starting to rub off on her. I needed to make sure she was still in there. She was.
That's a lot of reasons, and they were all valid. And really, they couldn't possibly miss me much in the nursery, as I wasn't doing a whole heckuva lot and by not showing, I removed two children from the situation. We have our last day tomorrow, and we're all back to actually wanting to be there for it at this point.

The main point of this post is this: I'm a homemaker. This morning I could have flown out the door and come home at 2pm exhausted and crabby, put the kids down for naps and thrown together a half-hearted meal with ingredients I scrounged up after I was too tired to go groccery shopping. But as a homemaker first, I really needed to reevaluate what I was doing and why, and make the right decision to care for my family first. It was in our best interests to say no regardless of what we planned, in order to keep the peace at home and give ourselves time to take care of what needed to be done.

Okay. I'm done here.

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