04 September 2007

Good Gracious....I am tired.

Lucy always sleeps til 7:30 or so. Not today! We got up at 5:30! Hooray! She is currently in her exersaucer next to me "working." She's carefully inspecting each little toy on her saucer to make sure everyone is ready for the day. She does this every morning, and it's so cute.

We had a very nice date night. We dropped Lucy with Shawn and Renee, and she did great. We had a wonderful dinner at the Savage River Lodge. It's super pricey, but you pay for the view there. It's up in the mountains and overlooks all sorts of wildlife and cool things. I had Chicken Chesapeake and Andrew had Crab Cakes. We made sure to order dessert, and we took our sweet time. We picked Lu up around 8, and she slept all the way home. We put her in bed as soon as we got home, and she slept until about 1. She ate then, and again around 3:30. I'm not sure why she's eating twice a night all of a sudden, but she was very awake both times and starving. Of course, she refused to eat all day yesterday...eating would mean she had to be close to me, and she was on a serious Mommy Strike. She finally ate a bottle at Renee's and then again when we got there. I guess she thought maybe we left her for good when she wouldn't eat.
All in all, it was a wonderful night!

Today we're making lunch for Daddy this morning and dropping it off with him, and then I think we'll go for a long walk at the mall and get a little exercise. I'm hoping she'll nap through our walk and we can get some things done when we get home. Tonight we're going to watch the ATK team bowl, so that'll be fun. Otherwise....life is the same as usual.

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