03 September 2007

Real Quick Post!

Andrew and Lu went for a walk because she keeps screaming when I pick her up and Daddy is the only one she loves right now. So I'm going to shower and clean and get ready for our day! We're going to try to hit up the Little Me outlet in Cumberland to look for winter clothes for Lu, and then tonight is OUR FIRST DATE NIGHT EVER. I'm so excited, but nervous about leaving her for the first time. We've left her once with Grandma after she went to bed, but that seems different because I didn't have to say goodbye to her. She's been a little whacko about me leaving the room lately (until this morning, when she decided to look for a new Mommy somewhere on Main Street) so I'm hoping it'll all go smoothly. We're just going to dinner and coming right back, and she'll be with Renee and Shawn, so I know she'll be fine. I'm just a nervous Mama!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has anyone tracked the # of walks I've taken in the past 7 days!? I'm sure that Laura has posted each time!

It's insane! Fatherhood is wearing holes in my soles!