05 February 2008

How messy IS an exploding head?

Lucy will not let me leave the living room. Her trip to Grandma's was a HUGE success, but she has decided that I am not to leave the room she is in, because I might leave her for another 3 days. Fine, fine, whatever. We had a great weekend- I'll make the sacrifice.
So, we are camped out in the living room. She comes to the bathroom with me, I pull food from the cabinet with one hand. She's eating standing up- little cubes of pumpkin bread. This isso she can hold onto my leg.
How do I use the computer, you ask? Well, I have to keep the laptop AND the cord far away from her quick, sticky fingers. So I have constructed a giant platform to hold all of Mommy's items that she needs to camp in the living room for the day. I put two giant Rubbermaid containers and an ottoman together in a big square. It seems to be working ok.
I have no idea what we're going to do today. I have to wait for Mr. DHL to arrive, and then we're going to take Andrew's accounting book to his office and go walking at the mall. But that's not til this afternoon. So...pray for me. I have a lot of sewing to do, but Lucy loves felt, so I have to sew above my head. No joke. I'm getting REALLY good at it.

1 comment:

Jennifer Merkel said...

Lucy just loves her mommy!
That's a good thing!