02 October 2011

I just finished Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger. It ended with my head cocked to one side all blown away and going, "Whoa..." This is the woman who wrote The Time Traveler's Wife. That book wrapped my brain into a knot. This book was much easier to follow, but just as freaky and cool. Now I'm just sitting on my bed, alone, which is a guilty pleasure of mine.

There is nothing I love more than curling up against Andrew and spending an evening watching a movie. We really do enjoy being together ALL the time. In the 8 or so years we've been together, we've never really wanted much time apart. We find each other completely adorable, amusing and amiable. We're like yin and yang, moving about the world one person in two bodies. We never really annoy each other or feel the need to get away. Our evenings are gauged on a "what do we feel like doing tonight" scale, and the "we" almost always trumps the "me."

But second to that, I love knowing that he's completely occupied with something that doesn't concern me, leaving me free to move about the evening without responding to anyone or reacting to anyone. I'm a very social creature, but we all need a little solitude once in awhile. I know that on any given night, I could say, "Babe, I'm out. I'll be in a different room doing something on my own. Have a lovely night." And he'd be completely content to do whatever he got into by himself. I usually feel absolutely guilt-stricken doing anything for myself, be it sleeping in, taking a shower, asking for a nap or reading a book. I think motherhood just keeps us moving for others so much that taking a moment for ourselves feels a little too foreign. But tonight Andrew took the girls to the lake and I took a bath, and then I finished my book this evening while my man puttered around. He's watching a movie now and I must say, this quiet alone time before the start of a VERY busy week is exactly what I need to finish off a nice weekend. I'm going to sign off now, just in time to get my eyes closing before Himself makes his way in to bed. I like falling asleep alone once in a blue moon, but I need to know that he's on his way and I won't be alone very long. And as long as Claire's in her own bed for the next couple of hours, I need a little sleep!

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