15 January 2008

Dear Lucy...

...my baby disappeared today. In her place, I have a giggling, trouble-making, silly little girl. How can a baby change overnight?
Today you learned to dance. It's cute, but only big girls dance.
Today you said "nana" and ate all your bananas like a big girl. You sat in your highchair and just smiled away, never making a baby sound.
Today you learned that when you stick out your tongue, I blow raspberries on it and make it fizzy. You laughed and laughed and laughed, so happy to have a new secret.
Today you made a huge connection between toys and I saw you learn. It was bittersweet, because only big girls learn like that.
Tonight you drank your bottle with Daddy and went to bed without a peep. Babies always fuss at bed time.
Today you took your hands off my knees and stood by yourself.

Slow down! I don't mind if you hang on a little longer.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This was such a bittersweet post. It made me think about all of the big girl things that Alexis is doing :( They are growing so fast!!!