17 January 2008

The Shape Of A Mother


I have always been very self-conscious. Deep down, I've always known that my body is fine, but it's never changed the fact that I scrutinize every little wrinkle and imperfection. Little did I know that my body was soooo much better pre-baby.

But was it really better? Andrew says that it's ten times better now. Anyone who knows Andrew knows that this may be totally sincere or he may just be really good at making me feel secure. Whatever.

It's sad to me that so many women hide their post-baby bodies. And I still don't have the courage to show mine off. Maybe I should be more brave. Yesterday I wore a two piece to the pool. I didn't care about who saw me. It was me, Suz, Lucy and a bunch of very old men. I was totally fine, because I knew that the people around me saw Lucy and could appreciate the fact that my body was a result of bringing her into the world.

That said, I had a very interesting workout yesterday. I'm really bad with cardio. I can't usually do more than 15 minutes. I get SO tired, and I have horrible shin splints. Yesterday I got on the elliptical, which I always make an honest try at and end up stopping. It makes my knees just throb. As I was there on the elliptical, I started to feel stronger and stronger. I went for 45 minutes without so much as a pant. About 5 minutes in, I thought, "Of course I can do this. My body is stronger than half the people here. I handled 40 hours of labor. I spend hours crawling around after Lucy. I'm sure I have enough adrenaline to get my body back." And I did. I just moved and moved and moved, and I felt better than I have in months.

Today, I'm a little sore and really proud of myself. My NEW New Year's resolution to feel good in my own skin this year. I want to wear a pair of jeans and not think about the way my stomach looks in them. My body may never be the same as it was. I'm ok with that, I think. I have to keep reminding myself of it, but I think I'll come to terms with the new me as time goes by. I'm strong, I'm healthy and I'm carrying a few extra pounds. But if you'd seen me on May 9th, 2007, you'd be proud of my "squish" too.


Jenny said...

Great job!! The post-baby body was hard for me to accept, too - I would give anything to have a smooth stomach again. You are not alone in feeling that way! But little by little, I have accepted that this is my new body and am fine with it now

Anonymous said...

Thank You Laura. You have just said what all of us mommies think/feel about our post-baby bodies on a regular basis. We are not alone. And though we don't look like models (and who cares anyway) we have had the pleasure and joy of bringing a beautiful baby into the world and a love into our hearts, homes, and lives that cannot be explained in words ... that is the greatest reward of all. Any mother would gladly give up her body for the love and joy of her baby.

Anonymous said...

Laura, take it from your 68-yr.-old Grandma who brought four babies into the world, you can get your body into any shape you desire. As you already know, more output and less input!! The pounds come off and the body gets firm and you'll feel great. Good luck with your work-outs. The first year after having a baby is not when a Mom is that involved in herself. Your concentration is where it should be - on Andrew, Lucy and your home. And that is as it should be. The three of you are blest!
Love you, Grandma and Grandpa

Melissa said...

This is such a sweet post and a great website. I too feel self-conscious about my mommy body, but then I look at Alexis and realize that in exchange for this new body, I got that great baby!