05 March 2008

Dear Lucy, Love Da Da.

Your mother has been telling me for weeks that you've said "Da Da" when I'm not around or when I'm on the phone with her and I cannot hear you. Yesterday 3/4/08, I returned from work around 5pm and you sped across the living room 1/2 walking while holding onto the couches and 1/2 speed crawling towards the front door and your smiling "Da Da".

When you got to me, you paused and looked up and while smiling ear to ear, you said (clear as day) "Da Da"! You then continued to yell it for a full hour until I had to go to class (MBA Managerial Accounting, which Lord willing, you will never have to experience) at 6pm and you had to go to bed shortly after.

Aside from the day your mother said "I do", I've never been as proud as when you discovered "Da Da". I choked up a little while walking out the door while your "Ma Ma" was holding you and you were waving good bye and still yelling "Da Da"! I wanted to stay with two instead of going to class. If I had a choice, I would've invited my entire ACCT class (with the exception of the miserable professor perhaps) to our house & challenged them to discuss Sales, COGS & Revenue instead of playing with you! You have such an adorable personality! I'm supremely confident they couldn't do it. You're simple irresistible!

A very proud "Da Da"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Andrew! Lucy is so blessed to have you for her Daddy.
God bless,
The GREAT Grandparents