16 March 2008

The Most Important Rule of Parenting is...

...rules were meant to be broken. Never, ever, ever use the phrase "When I have kids..." if you don't have kids. It makes the parents who are teetering on the brink of insanity laugh this scary little carny laugh.

Lucy has been waking up at 10:30 every night and fussing and generally sending us to bed disgruntled and crabby, what with falling asleep to baby noises. No tired Mommy wants to hear her baby as she drifts off. Tonight was no exception. She was in rare form, hanging her head and howling at us, waiting for someone to rescue her. I am tired. I am just trying to muster the strength to wash my face, and she's howling.

She's such a sweet little thing, but a little fried from the weekend craziness, which I'll blog in more detail at a later date. Mommy is a little fried too, but that's to be expected.

We try Tylenol. We try taking off the sleeper and putting on a t shirt. (New. Pink with flowers.) We try walking with Daddy. We try turning down the heat. We let her cry. Nothing. I finally say, "What about a bottle? I mean, I know she ate at 7, but could she still be hungry?" Andrew tells me to try it. I pick her up and she snuggles right into me, so happy to have been rescued from her evil crib. She has a few drinks and pops her paci back in, enjoying Mommy's Palm Sunday Dinner Pudge, which acts like a nice, warm pillow. I melt a little as she puts her finger in my nose, enjoying our quiet time. As I pop her back into her cribs, she smiles a little, knowing she's bested us yet again, and won the battle.

Well Toots, you might have won the battle, but you didn't win the war...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ALL of the recent blog entries are really great. Wonderfully written, and they sure keep us up on "Life with Lucy" - and Laura and Andrew, of course.
As always, we love the pictures.
We can hardly believe that Lucy will have her first birthday party before long. I hope she smears cake and frosting all over her face as she enjoys celebrating!
Love you,
Grandma Susie and Grandpa Dick