28 April 2008

Has it really been a week?

I will update with pictures tonight. To be honest, my camera is still in the car from our weekend trip home! Ugh, it's been a long week!
So, let's see...
House: The hot water heater was installed this past weekend and we're ordering appliances this coming. Sears will be having their friends and family sale this Sunday and we're going to do the entire house! It looks like we're going to save a lot of money! Hooray!
Lucy: Two teeth coming in! I hesitate to assume that she'll have teeth by her birthday, however...in any case, she's been beyond cranky and Mama and Daddy really don't know what to do with her! This morning we packed up her BABY TOYS! It was a very big step and made Mama a little sad. However, she'll officially be a toddler in two weeks, so we need to clean up some of her old toys before her birthday! We put away a lot of rattles and noisy toys, and they're in a bin waiting for Baby #2! Today I'm going to grab some more tubs at Walmart, because we need to pack away some more of her clothes.
Lucy also has a couple of new words/phrases. She now says "Down" and "All done." She also nods her head when you ask her if she's hungry, which is a very big step in communicating.

Today we have our stroller club this morning, and then we're going to cruise through Goodwill and look for funky furniture to refinish. I'm showing the apartment this afternoon- wouldn't it be a huge blessing, not having to pay $1k for our last two months rent?? Say a prayer! We're also going to stop by Sears to see if the items I found online will qualify for the sale this weekend. I want all my ducks in a row ahead of time!

Andrew got Bonnie to run this weekend! I'm so proud! He got the new gas tank in and installed the new carburetor, and she started up! Now he just needs to figure out why there are flames shooting out of it. I'm sure that's minor. He is in his last two weeks of classes now, so I suppose I'll just see him at settlement on the 16th. He was at school til 11:30 last night and will be there again tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday. I have lots of movies to watch and boxes to pack, so I'll be just fine! This is probably a blessing in disguise, because we tend to distract each other and not get anything done. When we were "packing" to move from Essex to Frostburg, we decided that dinner and a movie we more sensible and ended up packing the night before we moved. Hm. I am going to try very hard to be a little more organized than that.


Emily said...

First of all... so happy to see a new post! I'm sure you've been very busy packing and and getting ready for the move. Yay! And also, my friend Jenn refinishes old Goodwill-type furniture all the time as a hobby. Her stuff is gorgeous. She honestly makes me want to forget about my career, lock myself up in a studio and re-do furniture for a living. I bet you could make some decent cash that way. I'm also thinking about refinishing my kitchen cabinets so you two will have to give me all the pointers!

dugmel said...

Congrats on your 1st home purchase!! Whhhhooooo-hooooo! There is no place like home when it's yours....
Will Lucy be able to celebrate her first birthday in the new house?