18 April 2008

What a Day!

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS TO SUZZY!!! She was accepted to IU today for Grad School and we're very proud!! YAY SUZ!!

Let's see. Today has been wild! Andrew survived his first earthquake! I'm so proud! Of course I'd never blog that he was away on business, but he's been in the midwest this week and is now experienced at dodging earthquakes. I'm sure this will be the topic of conversation for years to come. When I told him that his hotel shaking was an earthquake and not a train, he was very excited. He'll be home tonight and we couldn't be move excited!

Lucy drank bubbles today! She is now known as The Friday Bubble Drinker. She got a few swigs down before we caught her. Suz called Poison Control while I changed her. Apparently drinking bubbles is normal and it's "bubble season." So we just gave her some juice. I think bubbles are energizing. She's been out of control today!

Suz came over this morning and took Lucy a-walking so that I could get the house cleaned up a little and take a shower. It was so nice!

Lucy took a VERY long nap after her walk and bubble snack, and then we walked down to the library. Now she's eating cheerios and conditioning her hair with bananas. Such a good little multi-tasker. I also had cheerios for dinner. I saved the leftover pizza for HoneyBunny, since he'll probably be hungry. He missed his plane so he'll be a little late, but that doesn't make the appetite go away.

Lucy is done conditioning.


Anonymous said...

This blog entry is a delight!! Lucy is constant entertainment "on the go" and your life will never, ever be dull.
Welcome home to Andrew. We saw how many states were affected by "The Earthquake". We would like to hear his experience.
Today we are taking all the pic. out of Grandma Maggie's albums and sorting into piles for people. A big project, but a "labor of love".
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I love Andrew! You never forget your first earthquake.