28 August 2009

Moving to Texas!

We're moving, y'all! I'll post more about this whole mess of moving and the recent chaos that is our life later. For now, I have to clean up the house and get ready for a playdate with J and her 7 cherubs. Michael J + Mac-n-cheese = heaven for Lucy. (Truth be told, she thought I was talking about Uncle Michael all morning and is now totally bummed that Uncle Michael is (insert howl here) "2 HOURS AWAY!")
Well, pics from our big DC trip coming later. For now it's naptime and shower time!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Texas...how soon? Where in Texas? How exciting.....keep us updated.


Unknown said...

Agh!! I better get as much Cooke time as possible before you head west - CALL ME!

lb :)

SpunkyToes said...

Wohoo! You are gonna love Texas!

Katie E. said...

I can't wait to come visit you~!