16 August 2009

We're Here!

"But where is here?" you ask. Well, it's still a secret. Andrew will be here this afternoon and the fun will really begin, y'all!
Molly was a fantastic traveler and we had the kind of trip one only dreams about. Everyone was absurdly friendly and nice and we arrived feeling just charmed. We met the most interesting girl on the plane and it was just fate that she should sit next to us. She was coming home from a visit to Ethiopia and was the picture of hospitality and warmth as Mo and I enjoyed our first trip together. Molly had fun with our new friend and we hope to see her again soon. Funny how God inserts the right people into your life at the right time. I think I'll facebook her. I mean, isn't everyone on Facebook?
We just finished a plate of ten dollar french toast and are going to look for the pool and see what we find. It's a tad warm in this neck of the woods, so I think we'll do the pool this morning before it gets too hot, if we do it at all. We had a lovely night in a big, soft king bed. Molly slept straight through and woke up smiley, so today should be a fabu day. As if she wakes up any other way...
Well, I've wasted enough time in the "business center." Molly is very happy watching the automatic doors, so I think I'll check in with my regular sites and head upstairs before she starts to freak.
I miss Lucy terribly. I think I'll call her this morning, as if she'd really say anything on the phone. :-)

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