04 May 2011

Lucy, piecing the puzzle together. Good SMELPER!

So I stayed home tonight with the girls & Aunt Kasie. They both needed some Daddy face time, although Molly would much prefer face-to-face time with "baby" as she calls Claire. We talked at bed time about baby Claire coming home tomorrow (Thurs 5/5). Both girls are VERY excited but a little confused perhaps...

A: "Baby Claire is coming home tomorrow! Are you excited!? She's pretty cool, huh?"
L: "My cousin Claire is coming here?"
A: "Yes. You're sister Claire is coming home, here, tomorrow. She's going to sleep a lot and mostly in Mommy & Daddy's room for now. That ok?"

Lucy sighs. Lightly slaps hand on forehead and drops her head back on her pillow, mocking exasperation says... "I can't be a big sister to two babies!"

To which Poppers quickly retorts, "No baby. Baby baby. Book, Book, Book, Baby Book. Read me."

Yes, she does kind of sound like yoda :-)

L: "You're a baby sometimes Molly..."
A: "Okay, easy now. Go easy with Molly... Of course you're going to be a great big sister to two babies."

Hearing "great" and "big" back to back, Lucy started stretching her arms out like she's measuring something really large. Like a fish or when someone says "I love you thiiiiiis much".  Sigh. I laugh and continue...

"Are you going to help us with baby Claire? Watch her? Change her diaper? Play with her? Make her smile? And keep her safe?" (whispered from Molly)

L: "Yes Sir!" [We've recently reinstated saying Sir in this house. I love when either of them say it unprompted. It's adorable when Popper's tries and says "yessa"].

Lucy finishes this dialogue with a whopper.........

"I'm a gonna be a goooood smelper."

Just spoke w/ Laura who pulled a Donald Trump and fired the latest RN assigned to her. You go girl! ;-) Love you miss you and will be back (well rested) to you and Claire early in the morning!

1 comment:

Tru-Flow said...

that night nurse deserved to be fired.. AWFUL.. Give the girl her drugs and leave her alone. Laura had MAJOR abdominal surgery just 39 hrs prior. she deserves drugs.