30 October 2007

Last Night...

...was not bad!
Last night started rough, but ended up pretty good!
6:30pm- down for night
7pm and 7:30pm and 8pm- replaced paci
8:30- up- stopped replacing paci- back to sleep 8:38pm
9:51 - up - no paci, back to sleep 9:56
10:06- up - playing with aquarium and fussing - replaced paci at 10:19- back to sleep 10:30
12:30- up - nursed one side - back to sleep 12:35 (I figured 12:30 was close enough and fighting it might make the rest of the night miserable)
1:54 - cry, no nursing/no paci - back to sleep within 10 minutes (I think...I fell asleep, so I'm assuming she handled it!)
4:45- I woke up and she was still out so of course I stood over her for ten minutes trying to decide if she was alive.5:15 - ate on both sides - down at 5:19
6:36 - up for day.
So, once we got past her 10pm antics, she did great! I'm going to stick with CIO at night and assume that LaLeche had it wrong with this one. Yesterday wasn't a big eating day and she slept fine, so I'm going to say that a big dinner will definitely get her through to 1am. So, yay Lucy!

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