17 October 2007

Must Be Quick!

Well, I need to make this snappy, because I just put Lucy down for a nap. I need a bowl of oatmeal or something and then I'm going to try to take a nap.

My friend Traci told me that I should try taking Lucy's pacifier out after she falls asleep to see if maybe her pacifier falling out at night is what is waking her. I'll try anything. Last night was awful.

Well, off to make oatmeal. Lots to do!


Anonymous said...

I feel famous now for being mentioned on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi, guys,
Just checking in and wanted to tell you we love you. Hope the "pacifier trick" has worked out. I know it is darned hard to be tired. Lucy wakes up off and on all night; Grandpa snores and Grandma wakes up off and on all night! Ah, well......
Loveth you!