26 October 2009

Talking to the Walls, Y'all...

So, I thought it was really funny the other night when Lucy and I had this conversation:

Me: "Lucy! Eat your dinner!"

Lucy: "Wait. I have to do one thing."

Me: "After you eat you can do your one thing."

Lucy: "I willy fast. I just need to talk to your shoes."

Me: Blank stare.

How do you parent that? She's really into talking to inanimate objects lately and I can't decide if I should chalk it up to being two or look into whether or not she may be an Indigo Child.
The other night I found her in the living room, jumping on the couch and squealing, "I love you! I love you!" to a pillow. I'm at a serious loss. Everything has feelings and everything needs a special moment these days. It's funny, sweet and a little creepy.


Lisa Marie said...

HA HA HA... that's so funny and cute! i'd chalk it up to being two and imaginative ;)

Anonymous said...

Well, she's your daughter....do you really think it's creepy or just genetics? LOL
chalk it up to one of those "stages" that kids go through, and before you know it, it's over and you cry because you miss the cutenesss so much.
Love y'all!
Brooke and all