22 December 2009

Drastic Improvement!

Well this is much better. Molly went to bed at 7 and slept right through to 2am, and then til 5:30, and she's still sleeping now! Wonderful! Lucy slept til about 4 and then came into our bed and has been very busy ever since. Molly seems to have adjusted to the time change, but I don't think we'll be that lucky with Lucy!

- Laura & Andrew

1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

how's the trip going? are you home yet?? Sorry to hear Molly's teething has been causing trouble... it's never fun. MOTRIN at bedtime- orajel, and even homeopathic teething tablets... sometimes I do ALL THREE at bedtime, my kids have a lot of trouble sleeping when cutting teeth! i'm sure you've tried all of this but i figured I'd tell you what works for us. Then during the day I do tylenol and lots of cold and/or hard things to chew on... hope she and you are getting some rest and feeling ok! love ya :)