04 December 2009

Mo In The Snow!

Yesterday morning, we woke up to a surprising amount of snow covering the ground!

Lucy was VERY excited and wanted to get outside right away to "eat snow."

Once Molly got a good look at the snow, she channeled Uncle Calvin and was dying to get out there right away.

But mean old Mommy didn't feel like bundling up the crawler, so I told her we were going to stay in while Lucy was out.

Not a well-received statement.

Lucy got out to eat snow and was very excited about our short-lived Winter Wonderland!

After plenty of wailing and yelling, Molly wore me down. But what do you do with a crawler who doesn't own a snowsuit?

You stick her in her high chair, drag it across the house and put her outside. Obviously.

She was just about the happiest little girl you've ever seen!

I brought them in and decided to let her finish her puffs while I got Lucy out of her wet clothes. Molly was only too happy to continue her snow feast.

This kid...what a trip.


Katie E. said...

See, home is never too far away. That's cool that you got to see snow during your first year in Texas. I'm sure it doesn't happen very often, but I was watching the weather last night, and the whole country is freezing, except Hawaii and Miami!

Janet said...

That look on Molly's face (when she's outside with her hat on) is so gosh darn cute.

I can just imagine how much fun the girls had this morning. We're supposed to get snow tomorrow in Richmond!

SpunkyToes said...

How cute!!! Enjoy it - Texas doesn't see snow that often!