04 July 2010

My night - July 3/4

Trip 1 - console Lucy after nightmare
Trip 2 - retrieve Lucy
Trip 3 - drink for Lucy
Trip 4 - second drink
Trip 5 - Molly's diaper is soaked through. Complete change. Still up crying. Refuses to go back to sleep.
Trip 6 - early morning milk for Lucy.
Somehow Andrew has managed to sleep peacefully through the entire night. I'm still working on just getting a straight hour. In one of my 45-minute stints I dreamed I lost my YMCA card. It was a big deal and a priest got me a new one.
Molly is still freaking out. Lucy woke up to tell me that Molly just needs daddy. I agree, Baby, I agree...
On top of it all, my drink was way too tall last night, so after each of these little trips I have to settle my poor stomach down enough to fall asleep. This has to be the worst night I've had in ages.
Well, the screaming seems to have died down...I think I'm going to try for that solid hour one more time...I'm just too tired to even sleep now. This sucks.

- Posted with love from my iPhone

1 comment:

Courage8 said...

Wow! Hope the day goes better than the night did! (Can't they just tell Mommy how much fun they had with Daddy on the 4th of July - after Mommy wakes up from her 10 hour nap?)