29 May 2009

Massive Change of Plans

Well, someone (me) did not read her wedding invitation closely enough. And Friday weddings aren't the norm, to be fair. Usually, when you have a wedding to attend, you mark off the weekend and make plans for Saturday night.
I'm spending this morning hastily packing, running the dog to the kennel, cancelling our yard sale, rearranging child care plans and driving to Baltimore. Yipes. I also have to figure out how to hang our wedding clothes in my car with a spitty infant and a sticky toddler, since we won't have time to pretty them up later. I'm already tired.

Also, Molly is now 3 MONTHS OLD!! She's such a big girl, and so fun to have around. She's just a sweet, giggly, squishy, fun baby.

Also, we're not moving to Utah.

Also, tomorrow is my birthday.

Also, it's Josiah's birthday today!

Also, I love Andrew.


Suzzy said...

awww, hunny! I'm sending you a giant hug!

SpunkyToes said...

Happy early Birthday! Sorry the Utah plans didn't work out but that just means something bigger is in the works. Have fun this weekend!

Katie E. said...

Just when you think things are starting to settle down at the Cooke household, you're wrong! Or I'm wrong...
You should come spend a week with me!! I was going to elaborate, but I smell poo. Time for a diaper change.

Jessica said...

Happy Early Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear!! Hope you end up having a very nice week-end. The mix-up must have been a real surprise, to say the least.
Hope to see photos in the blog about your week-end.
Love to all, Grandma Susie

Lisa Marie said...

wait...wait... I'm pretty sure loving Andrew is NOT a change of plans... :)

I'm happy you aren't moving away, but surprisingly more sad for you all that things didn't work out. I'll be praying God reveals His plans to you, I know He must have something better planned!

It was so great to see you at Mom's tonight, love you all!

Unknown said...

Yay, no Utah! I'm sure Andrew is upset, but my response is selfish, because its WAY harder for me to drop by in UTAH!!! If I did that it'd have to be for like 3 days, and Andrew would likely ask me to pick up beer in Wyoming along the way (has Utah stopped selling 3.2 beer yet? Off to the Googles...)

Hope alls well in Cooketown USA, I'll try to get up there this summer, and if not, definitely in October (Homecoming and/or potential sunflower fest at Rocky Gap)