06 May 2009

Wednesday, 8:10pm.

No news yet. They say no news is good news and while that was sorta confirmed today, I'm still not totally convinced. So, we keep waiting. Apparently Monday is the earliest we'll hear something, and that would be a big stretch. I'm just trying to distract myself with other things but I all I can think is, "If we have to make a 2,000 mile move, we have so much to do. If I just knew, I could totally be doing those things right now." So I'm going to turn up the heat in this house and finish my movie. Just thought you'd all want an update, judging by the number of texts and IMs I'm getting around here. I have some pics to post, but I'm not really in the mood to wait for them to load. I think I want a really hot bath instead. That would be perfection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep us updated! We are anxious to hear.

Would be soooo nice to have you closer!
