21 May 2009


Lucy walking around with playing cards stuck to her feet.

Stuck behind the couch with chocolate stuck to her face.

Stuck upstairs, forced to sleep. Ends the battle with her legs stuck under the baby gate, attempted escape an utter failure. Asleep, face down. Wakes up to bits of things stuck to her forehead, a pained and disappointed expression stuck on her tired face.

Mommy sticks embarrassing photos on blog so that you'll be stuck with the image all night.


SpunkyToes said...

OH that is the funniest thing ever!

Jessica said...


Too cute!

Katie E. said...

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE that pic of Lucy on the stairs! That's exactly why Nate still sleeps in his "cage!"

Anonymous said...

But what would life be like if we had no embarrassing photos from our childhood? I'm sure that Lucy is glad she's "stuck" with you as her mama. Rocky Gap looks like fun. Rachel said she'll go next time to play with the girls.
-Brooke and gang

Sarah Jane said...

I love it! Those are some amazing photos...much better than Katie's happy smiling face on the kiddy potty that mom had on the fridge forever!