25 July 2009

What a Freaking Wonderful Life.

Today, I finally feel like absolutely everything is in our reach. Today Andrew is no longer in school. Today we're no longer trapped under a mortgage. Today we spent a long day at the lake with friends we love. Today we're officially FREE of credit card debt. Today we have a little money in the bank and the bills are paid. For now. Today we have nowhere to be and nothing to do. Nothing at all. Today we're only dealing with a couple of runny noses. Very, very cute little runny noses. Today my little Poppers got up on her knees and is trying to crawl. Before the age of 5 months. Today I'm trying to think about the things in my life that stress me out and nothing comes to mind. For the first time since I was 15, nothing at all comes to mind. There's a spring in my step and a giant smile on my face because on July 25th, 2009, I'm not worried about a thing, and that's a good Today.
Tomorrow, we have no plans. Tomorrow's Sunday. That means love, laundry, the Lord, laughing, lying around, licking popsicles, letting the house get messy and living it up on the lawn. All 65 acres of lawn, if we so please.
I'll post pics tomorrow around naptime. If I don't decide to take a nap myself. As for right now, I'm off to pass out on the couch while Andrew reads a book. A very good Today.

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