22 March 2010

Birthday is Saturday; Cupcakes!

Lucy has been obsessed with talking about "her birthday" and the words/phrases "Saturday", "Wednesday" and "last week". It's absolutely adorable but as you can see, there is no ability to reason with her! And... in the distance she's asked "What are you going to give Aunt Lisa for her birthday?"

The response? Super cute.


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,

Your sister (Meghan) was and still is to this day always talking about her birthday.

It was cute then...not so much now as her presents are a little pricier!

It is coming up though, isn't it? One day after Meghan hits the first year being a teenager....a teenager! Yikes.

Love Ya,

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! My goodness, Lucy's hair is getting so long! She is such a sweetie.
Maybe you could have a pretend birthday on Wednes., in anticipation of her real birthday.
Or would that really mix things up?
Oh, well, just being Grandma here.
'Gotta get back to my really scarey movie on Lifetime.
Love you guys,

Lisa Marie said...

THIS IS SOOOO CUTE!!! I just saw it- made my day!! Thanks so much for thinking of me! Lucy sounds so much like Alison did when she was little, maybe it's just because she resembles her that I think that, but WOW they sound alike too! haha. Lucy, thanks for the cupcakes, I got them in the mail and they are REALLY yummy! hahaha. Love ya, Aunt Lisa