14 March 2010

Just a hiccup or two.

So, they slept well for me last night and we had a terribly productive morning. I cleaned the fridge and the pantry, did the dishes, showered, dressed them both, got us out the door to church, made a return at Target, bought lunch for a picnic and bought shadow boxes at Michael's. I also decided on Lucy's birthday gift and put them both down for naps. Yeah, I'm just that good. I mostly just had to clear our schedule for the afternoon so that we can lay out and get some sun without the house and errands nagging at us. I plan to lay out and watch the girls play until....Thursday.

If you've never thought of moving to a place where you're plan-free, family-free and friend-free, I suggest it. Our weekends are completely blank, our days are lazy and our house is less-than-perfect. No company = no fuss! Not that I fussed much before, but moving to a place where we could disappear into the commotion without a backward glance has been so peaceful. The world just sort of spins around us as we live in our tiny world in our corner lot. Maybe we just deal very well with anonymity and "loneliness?" It's not so much an experience of loneliness, but of solitude. Moving away has been like a very big, long retreat for me. It really does feel like one big vacation down here in Texas. So much so that trying to make plans and stick with them is actually my biggest challenge, where I used to have every minute planned to the last detail. Since moving, my only real plan is....well...who am I kidding? I don't even have one plan. I almost wish I were joking. Molly has a well baby visit next week...yep. That's just about it!

Well, I'm off to fill shadow boxes with sentimental baby items!

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